
Good numbers of raptors in in recent days with up to 6-7 Marsh Harrier, juv Peregrine, 4 Kestrel, 2 Sparrowhawk, Merlin and several Common Buzzard including 1 or 2 pale birds.

Common Buzzard at the edge of the Mere (Tony Disley)

Barn Owls have been seen most afternoon in recent days, the birds are often seen out during the afternoon after periods of bad weather especially with lots of rain.

A good count of 25,000 Pink-footed Geese was made on Monday along with a count of 300 Whooper Swans.

The 1st winter male Scaup is still on the Mere with Tufted Duck.

Cetti's Warblers continue to increase, 3 birds were heard on the reedbed walk and another bird has been heard from Ron Barker Hide again.

A pair of Raven were noted out over the fields and up to 3 Kingfishers were seen today.

Still good numbers of Snipe around with c150 over recent days, also a Green Sandpiper made a brief appearance on the Mere on Monday afternoon, and around 90+ Ruff can still be seen around the reserve.

A Weasel was seen from Ron Barker Hide

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