Raptors and Geese

Calm winds and no rain made for an excellent day for those coming to see the spectacle of huge numbers of Pink-footed Geese. Estimates for the roost this morning were over 20000.

Pink-footed Geese from the UU Hide

The Whooper Swan count is up to 80 including a few family parties.

Brilliant day for raptor fans with 7 species recorded today. A juvenile Red Kite came in early afternoon, presumably the same bird seen on the 29th September. Two Merlin were seen in pursuit of Skylark. Seven Marsh Harrier, the biggest count of the autumn and one of the biggest counts on the reserve, including a juvenile green wing-tagged bird which may have been tagged in Norfolk by the Hawk and Owl Trust. At least 6 Buzzard, 2 Kestrel and Sparrowhawk to complete the list.

See wildfowl and wader counts from previous days.

A Starling roost is starting to form. In some years we have had up to 30000 birds.

The iridescent magic of Starlings, seriously underrated in the plumage stakes.

The 2CY Little Gull was seen again with Black-headed Gulls from the Harrier Hide.

Other sightings included 2 Stonechat, Kingfisher from the Hale Hide, another good passage of Skylark. A few more Coal Tit active in the grounds and along the Nature Trail. Two Cetti's Warbler calling from the Outer Reedbed Walk.

Call in at the in focus shop next to the Discovery Hide to report any sightings or to find out what has been seen and where.


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