Recent Sightings - 03th May 2021

The following sightings were taken on Monday from the reserve at Castle Espie on an ebbing tide. Despite the strong winds and rain over the bank holiday, the Sedge warbler could be seen, and heard high in the willows near the Peninsula field lookout. The Reed buntings are again busy around the Freshwater lagoon, and occasionally spotted in other places around the reserve. Activity on the Saline Lagoon continues with a number of pairs of Common tern, and the occasional Sandwich tern now around, although they have yet to settle and start nesting. There is still a good variety of wading birds to be seen, including Oystercatcher which come in with the tide to the Shingle bank, as well as, Redshank, Godwit and Dunlin, the latter which are now sporting their handsome breeding plumage. Unfortunately, as a breeding bird, the Dunlin has experienced a massive decline, and has vanished from many of its former strongholds. It is now restricted to parts of the north and west of the country and has suffered, not least as a result in changing land management and drainage of wetland habitats.

Estuary - visible from the Brent Hide and the Limekiln Observatory

Redshank 2, Black-headed gull 145, Lesser black-backed gull 2, Oystercatcher 4, Dunlin 12

Main lake - visible from Sensory garden and Visitor Centre

Mallard 8, Black-headed gull 68, Tufted duck 4, Swallow 20, Greylag goose 1, Little grebe 1, Coot 3

Shingle Bank - visible from Sensory garden and Visitor Centre

Lesser black-backed gull 1, Black-headed gull 49, Oystercatcher 6

Wadermarsh - visible from Wadermarsh lookout and Brent Hide

Black-headed gull 32, Shelduck 2, Oystercatcher 27

Freshwater Lagoon - visible from Brent Hide and Crannóg

Mallard 10, Black-headed gull 145, Black-tailed godwit 3, Moorhen 4, Gadwall 2, Swallow 2, Tufted duck 4

Saline Lagoon - visible from Limekiln observatory

Black-headed gull 63, Tufted duck 1, Shelduck 2


Black-headed gull 2, Mallard 1

Limestone Lake

Black-headed gull 1, Moorhen 1, Little grebe 1, Mallard 1

Peninsula Saltmarsh

Black-headed gull 4, Lesser black-backed gull 2

Peninsula Field

Jackdaw 1


Blackbird, Wren, Dunnock, Chaffinch, Great tit, Robin, Blue tit, Wood pigeon, Goldcrest, Willow warbler, Blackcap, Goldfinch, Pied wagtail

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