Recent sightings 10th -12th April

Highlights include, Marsh harrier, Slow worm and Orange tip butterfly

British Steel Hide

Large numbers of around 300 Shelduck have been seen between the salt marsh and the Dafen scrapes, as well as 200 Black-headed Gulls. Pairs of Shoveler and Tufted duck have been seen feeding around the Dafen scrapes. Out on the salt marsh we still get regular sightings of 3 Spoonbill. The female Smew is often seen resting on the bank around the saline lagoons. A Marsh harrier has been seen flying above the Dafen scrapes on Thursday. There was also a second Marsh harrier earlier in the week over on the Millennium Wetlands.

Millennium Wetlands

Smaller numbers of ducks have been seen around the Millennium Wetlands including, 18 Tufted duck, 12 Pochard, 11 Gadwall, 8 Teal and 7 Shelduck. 592 Black-tailed godwit have been from the Herons wing hide with small groups of Knot and Redshank hiding among them. Our colony of Black-headed Gulls have begun to show interest in breeding again on Deep water lake, as well as on the Freshwater lagoon and potential interest in the Dafen scrapes. There is usually some Mediterranean gulls seen within the colony.

Around the Northern loop there have been 44 Blackcap, 31 Chiffchaff, 12 Willow Warbler, as well as a pair of Willow tit. 16 Reed bunting have been heard and seen over the reedbed.

Our butterflys are starting to show up more often, with Peacock, Orange tip, Speckled wood and comma being the most common. Slow worm and Grass snake have been seen basking on rocks around the reserve.

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