Recent sightings 10th - 12th March

Highlights include, Sparrowhawk, Jack's Snipe and Brambling.

British Steel Hide

Three Spoonbill continue to be seen regularly from the Steel hide often showing close to the hides. The Female Smew was seen on Monday on the Saline lagoons, Small numbers of Redshank and Greenshank have been seen feeding on the Salt march as well as a variety of waders seen out on the estuary.

Lapwing and Shelduck have been taking an interest in the Dafen scrapes with numbers slowly increasing as we aproach spring.

Millennium Wetlands

Smaller numbers of ducks have been seen from the hides as they begin to start pairing off and finding places to nest. We still get regular sightings of Tufted duck, Gadwall, Teal, Shoveler, Shelduck and Pochard around the Millennium Wetlands. Little grebe have been seen around the bays near the fishing platforms. Large numbers of Black-tailed Godwit have been taking shelter from the storm on Deep water lake. 23 Lapwing have been seen on the cockleshell islands performing courtship displays. Snipe and Jack's Snipe have been seen in among the rush.

A pair of Sparrowhawks where seen displaying over the Western scrapes as well as competing with a rival female on Monday. A Peregrine falcon was seen hunting the Godwit's around deep water lake as well as a Red kite soaring overhead.

Chiffchaff, Treecreeper and Goldcrest have been heard singing around the northern loop of the reserve and Long-tailed Tit's have been seen carrying nesting material. A family of Brambling have been seen visiting the feeders opposite the Kingfisher Cafe.

The Otter continues to make regular appearances around Deep Water Lake and is often seen from the Herons wing and the new screens on the northern loop.

Red admiral and Peacock butterfly's have been seen on the path towards the Lilly pond from the Herons wing.

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