Recent sightings 10th-13th August

Highlights include Cattle Egret, Ruff and Painted Lady butterfly

British Steel hide

Good numbers of waders over the saline lagoons recently including around 550 Black-tailed Godwit, Greenshank, Redshank, Dunlin, Grey Plover and Little Ringed Plover. The Cattle Egret has been seen again on Monday, as well as Ruff and Shoveler. On the Dafen scrapes has been Common Sandpiper, Pochard, a flock of around 40 Lapwing, numerous Pied Wagtail around the scrapes, and Buzzard in the treeline behind the scrapes.

Millennium Wetlands

Seen over on Deep water lake recently has been Little Grebe, Pochard, Shoveler, Teal, Gadwall, Grey Heron and good numbers of Little Egret. Big numbers of butterflies to be seen in the sunshine including Painted Lady, Red Admiral, Peacock and Meadow Brown. There is also plenty of reptiles to be seen around the reserve on exposed rocks and log piles, lots of young Common Lizard have been seen as well as Grass Snake.

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