Recent Sightings 10th-17th July

Highlights: Ruff, Shoveler, Greenshank, Small Red-eyed Damselfly

British Steel Hide

There are plenty of nice summer plumage waders on the Saline Lagoons currently with the Male Ruff taking first place based on looks, with the summer plumage Knots taking a close second. There are also plenty of Black-tailed Godwits along with a few Redshank and Greenshank mixed in. There are plenty of Little Egrets chasing small fish in the Saline Lagoons.

Millennium Wetlands

Two young Shoveler were seen with a female from the Peter Scott Hide on the 15th. Shoveler are rare breeders in Wales so its great to see them successfully breed here. A Red Kite has been seen flying over Deep Water Lake which the Black-headed Gulls weren't too impressed about. A Kingfisher has been seen a few times using the fishing perches in front of the Peter Scott Hide. Along the Northern Loop a Lesser Redpoll, Siskins and Grey Wagtails were all heard and a Small Red-eyed Damselfly was seen from one of the fishing platforms.

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