Recent Sightings

Thursday was a good day for raptors with 6 species being seen, including at least 16 Common Buzzard, 3 Marsh Harrier, 4 Kestrel, juv Merlin, 3 Sparrowhawk and Peregrine.

Good numbers of Snipe are still around the reserve with up to 70+ birds still present, the Juv Wood Sandpiper was still on Sunleys from Ron Barker Hide also up to 30+ Ruff, 4 Dunlin and 7 Black-tailed Godwit. On Thursday there were 2 Greenshank and a Redshank seen.

The first returning 3 Wigeon and a single eclipse male Pintail were on the Mere Thursday. At least 500+ Teal are present around the reserve along with 70+ Shoveler and 60+ Gadwall. The first arrival of Pink-footed Geese are expected any day now!!

Three Wheatear were seen from Ron Barker today and a few Sand Martins were over the Mere in the afternoon. Still good numbers of Stock Dove feeding around the Mere with at least 158 counted.

Lots of Common Snipe around at the moment (T. Disley)
Lots of Common Snipe around at the moment (T. Disley)

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