Recent Sightings

The low murk around most of the day looked like it may produce something good but a surprise was 2 Red-breasted Merganser which flew south around 10am, very rare on site with only a few records over the years. The eclipse male Garganey was again among the 600+ Teal on Vinsons marsh from Ron Barker hide, also here 60+ Wigeon and good numbers of Shoveler. A few more Pink-footed Geese were seen today with 10 birds being seen.

Also from Ron Barker the 3 juvenile Little Stint were still present with a single juvenile Dunlin and 30+ Ruff, also at least 100 Snipe around the reserve. The juvenile Bar-tailed Godwit was still present viewed from Harrier Hide with a few Black-tailed Godwit for comparison. Yesterday 3 Green Sandpiper were seen with at least 1 today.

Juvenile Bar-tailed Godwit from Harrier Hide this afternoon (T. Disley)
Juvenile Bar-tailed Godwit from Harrier Hide this afternoon (T. Disley)

One of the juvenile Little Stints with a Dunlin and Snipe (T. Disley)
One of the juvenile Little Stints with a Dunlin and Snipe (T. Disley)

Eclipse male Garganey showing it's pale blue/grey forewing (T. Disley)
Eclipse male Garganey showing it's pale blue/grey forewing (T. Disley)

Marsh Harriers continue to show well at times with 3 birds being reported today, 2+ Sparrowhawk, 5+ Common Buzzard and 2+ Kestrel. Both Peregrine and Hobby were seen yesterday.

A few Grey Wagtail were heard around the reserve while a small passage of Meadow Pipits trickled overhead throughout the day. A Sedge Warbler was seen by Harrier Hide and a few Chiffchaff were noted around the reserve including one still singing. Several Goldcrests were along the walk to Kingfisher Hide and both Jay and Great Spotted Woodpecker were also noted.

Brown Hawker, Migrant Hawker and Common Darter Dragonflies were seen today along with several species of Butterfly including Comma, Red Admiral, Small Tortoiseshell and 2 species of White

Please pop in to the In Focus shop to report any sightings or if you photograph anything you want identifying.

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