Recent Sightings 12th-14th March

Highlights including Short-eared Owl, Spotted Redshanks and Mediterranean Gulls

British Steel Hide

Some very big tides in recent days have caused large numbers of waders to congregate on the scrapes surrounding the steel hide. Counts have included two Spotted Redshanks, 147 Curlew, 480 Black-tailed Godwits (including a Portuguese colour-ringed bird), 1 Bar-tailed Godwit, 313 Redshank, 200 Knot and 25 Snipe. Numbers of wintering ducks have decreased as they begin to move back to their breeding grounds but nonetheless counts of 75 Wigeon, 54 Teal and 40 Gadwall have been recorded. Up to 8 Spoonbills and 6 Little Egrets have also been seen roosting and feeding on the scrapes.

Millennium Wetlands

Spring finally seems to be on its way with several singing Chiffchaffs, Brimstone butterflies and lots of displaying Lapwings. One of the most obvious highlights from the past few days was a Short-eared Owl near the western scrapes on the 13th. Unfortunately we now have one less Moorhen on the reserve after it was killed and half-eaten by the owl! A Marsh Harrier has been seen a few times recently, often over the Deep Water Lake or Western Scrapes but sightings are fairly infrequent.

Goldcrest numbers are very high this spring after a mild winter, and can be found all around the reserve, but the trees around the Heron's Wing Hide are a safe bet. Duck numbers on Deep Water Lake have decreased, leaving us largely with our breeding species. Counts of 17 Pochard, 6 Shoveler, 4 Teal, 13 Coot, 25 Tufted Duck and 15 Gadwall. Our Black-headed Gull colonies are occupied once again and are causing quite the racket, be on the look out for Mediterranean Gulls in amongst the Black-headed's as up to 5 have been seen in recent days. Other notable sightings include a Woodcock, 5 Little Egrets, a Red Kite, two Sparrowhawks and a Barn Owl.

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