Recent Sightings (13th-15th Dec)

British Steel Hide

Many Lapwing can be seen on the saline lagoons with a count of 125 on 15th. Also counted included 104 Black-tailed Godwit, 5 Redshank, 1 Knot, 3 Little Egret and 2 Cormorants. Other birds included over 150 Wigeon, 4 Shelduck, 2 Tufted duck and 2 Cormorant. A Buzzard was spotted perching on the Osprey post. Another bird spotted in front of the hide was a Kingfisher. There was also 6 Song Thrushes, 1 Mistle Thrush, 2 Bullfinches and a small flock of starlings near the Dafen scrapes.

Millenium Wetlands and the Grounds

Although no official count has been carried out in the last couple of days, bird sightings include a Green Woodpecker, 2 Bullfinches and high numbers of Teal and Gadwall on Deep Water Lake. There has been a Water Rail hanging around the bird feeders near the Heron's Wing Hide. The Brambling on the bird feeders next to Kingfisher Café are still exploiting the bird seed there. Also in the grounds Hawfinch can still be spotted. There has also been a report of 2 Yellow Hammers passing over the Western Scrapes on 15th.

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