Recent sightings 13th - 16th July

Highlights include Emperor Dragonfly, Gatekeeper Butterfly and Redshank

British Steel Hide

Seen over the saline lagoons recently include 106 Redshank, Dunlin, good numbers of Little Egret and Shelduck. Over on the Dafen scrapes the young Lapwing have been seen congregating around the scrapes.

Visible from the Observatory and Boardwalk hides have been the juvenile Shelduck which have grown considerably in size over the past couple of weeks, also Teal have been spotted again towards the back of the freshwater lagoon.

Millennium Wetlands

It has been fairly quiet on deep water lake recently, Little Grebe, Shoveler, Tufted Duck and Little Egret can be seen from the Heron's wing hide. Sparrowhawk has been seen again hunting and feeding between the Bittern Reedbed and Water Vole City.

Other wildlife spotted includes Gatekeeper Butterfly, Emperor Dragonfly, and plenty of fresh Otter activity signs around the reserve.

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