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Recent Sightings 14th - 21st November

Highlights - Water Rail, Pintail, Little Grebe, Kestrel and Grey Wagtail.

British Steel Hide

There have been up to 15 pintails on site this week including some beautiful males. Grey wagtails can be seen all over, but particularly on the Dafen scrapes along with pied wagtails too. A kestrel has been hunting over the saltmarsh regularly in the past few weeks. Other highlights include spoonbills and cattle egrets.

Freshwater lagoon

The freshwater lagoon has been drained in preparation for a project to improve it as a feeding habitat for waders. One species that have really taken to feeding on the mud flats is green sandpipers, two can be seen from the boardwalk hide most days. While working in the marsh garden the reserve team have spotted a water rail multiple times.

Millennium Wetlands

Water rails have been seen and heard on the reserve this week too, including under the bird feeders by the herons wing hide (which makes for a great view). There have been more little grebes on Deep Water lake than normal. It's nice to visit in the afternoon at dusk and see species gather to roost, in particular the congregations of coot and cormorant are quite something!

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