Recent Sightings

Apologies for the lack of bird news, partly due to computer problems and a genuine lack of sightings and reports coming in. So please do call in at the end ofyour day to report your sightings to the In Focus shop.

The Tawny Owl has been showing well in the usual place near Kingfisher Hide by the Ivy. At least 3 Goldeneye (M & 2 F) on the Mere most mornings recently including today. Two different Merlins seen in recent days, both brown fem/imm birds, also an Adult and a juv Peregrine been keeping the Lapwings on their toes! The usual Common Buzzards, Kestrel and occasional Sparrowhawk sightings.

A Water Rail was seen in the sluice from Ron Barker on Thursday while last Sunday there were 3 seen from the same hide, also Kingfisher still being seen from here.

A Great White Egret was seen in flight near the houses at the end of Curlew Lane this afternoon, hopefully may visit the reserve in the coming days. Another local bird that hopefully will make it's way onto the reserve is a blue morph Snow Goose found yesterday at Marshside, so keep scanning the Pink footed Goose flocks and report any sightings to the In Focus shop please.


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