Recent sightings 15th - 18th December

A range of waterfowl and waders have been seen over on the wetlands recently

British Steel Hide

It has been relatively quiet out from the steel hide this week with only a few birds braving the storms. 234 Black-tailed Godwit, 30 Lapwing, 2 Redshank and a number of Snipe have been seen around the saline lagoons. 110 Wigeon, 20 Shelduck as well as Gadwal and Tufted duck have also been seen. We still get regular sightings of 1 Spoonbill and 3 Avocet.

Millennium Wetlands

A range of waterfowl and waders have been seen over on the wetlands recently including, 42 Black-tailed Godwit, 22 Lapwing, 68 Teal as well as a number of Gadwall, Tufted duck, Pochard and Shoveler. Water rail and Cetti's Warblers continue to call throughout the reserve. Birds seen around the feeders include, Greenfinch, Chaffinch, Goldfinch as well as Great tit and Blue tit. On Tuesday morning we where treated to two Otters fishing and playing in the water in front of the Herons Wing hide. Large numbers of Starlings frequent the reedbed in front of the Peter Scott hide.

Otter image captured by Russ Myners.

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