Recent sightings 15th-18th September

Dunnock in the Millennium Wetlands cr. Russ Myners

British Steel Hide

Large numbers of waders can be seen from the British Steel Hide with Black-Tailed Godwit, Knot and Redshank numbering in the hundreds. Some Spotted Redshank, Bar-Tailed Godwit, Ruff, Snipe and Dunlin are also seen in small numbers so keep on the look out. Marsh Harriers are still making an appearance over the salt marsh.

On the Dafen Scrapes Little Ringed Plover and Common Sandpiper have been spotted. While over on the Lagoon a Pectoral Sandpiper has been seen a several times in recent days, a species that hasn't been seen on site since 2015.

Millennium Wetlands

We are still getting a wide variety of waterfowl over on Deep water lake, with Tufted ducks, Teal, and large numbers of Gadwall. As well as Little Egret roosting in the area, a Cattle Egret has also been spotted over the weekend. Our resident pair of Kingfisher continue to make daily appearances. Buzzard and Sparrowhawk continue to make appearances around the treeline. Small numbers of waders are also starting to use Deep Water Lake, including Black-Tailed Godwit and Greenshank.

Common Lizard and Grass Snake can still be seen on warmer days basking or rocks and log piles so keep on the look out. Small amphibians have been seen around the Lilly pond, including Common Toad and Common Frog.

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