Recent Sightings

Cormorant Cr. Russ Myners


Signs of spring! – Great Spotted Woodpeckers are drumming, Black Headed Gulls are flocking to the Deep Water Lake islands and investigating nesting materials while Lapwings are displaying nesting behaviours on the cockle beds.

Cormorant x 8

Little Egret x 1

Grey Heron x 1

Mute Swan x 2

Greylag Goose x 1

Shelduck x 25

Gadwall x 17

Teal x 20

Mallard x 12

Pintail x 3

Shoveler x 13

Pochard x 1

Tufted Duck x 27

Buzzard x 1

Red Kite x 1

Water Rail x 1

Coot x 11

Lapwing x 40

Snipe x 3

Black-tailed Godwit x 87

Curlew x 1

Black Headed Gull x 60

Herring Gull x 18

Kingfisher x 1

Great Spotted Woodpecker x 1

Green Woodpecker x 1

Mistle Thrush x 2

Cetti’s Warbler x 1

Long-tailed Tit x 5

Bullfinch x 2

Reed Bunting x 1



Cormorant x 6

Little Egret x 4

Great White Egret x 1

Greylag Goose x 32

Shelduck x 77

Wigeon x 125

Shoveler x 11

Sparrowhawk x 1

Buzzard x 1

Grey Plover x 1

Lapwing x 247

Snipe x 7

Black-tailed Godwit x 42

Curlew x 42

Black Headed Gull x 72

Lesser Black Backed Gull x 10

Herring Gull x 5

Great Spotted Woodpecker x 1

Starling x 20

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