Recent Sightings

Spoonbill Cr. Rob Werran

British Steel Hide

Spoonbill 2 (flying between lagoons and millennium wetlands since 22nd)

Cormorant 18

Little Egret 3

Grey Heron 1

Greylag 45

Canada Goose 7

Shelduck 41

Wigeon 37

Gadwall 4

Shoveler 4

Tufted Duck 14

Sparrowhawk 1

Lapwing 2

Black-tailed Godwit 4 (full breeding plumage to be seen)

Redshank 4

Greenshank 2

Black headed gull 150

Lesser black-backed gull 16

Great Spotted Woodpecker

Long-tailed Duck 1

Millennium Wetlands

Little Grebe 7

Cormorant 24

Little Egret 18

Grey Heron 1

Mute Swan 2

Greylag 2

Canada Goose 2

Shelduck 14

Gadwall 10

Teal 3

Mallard 4

Shoveler 4

Pochard 6

Tufted Duck 14

Buzzard 1

Peregrine 1

Water Rail 9

Snipe 6

Moorhen 12

Lapwing 2

Black headed gull 84 (mating behaviour observed)

Herring gull 1

Spoonbill 1

Woodpigeon 7

Collared Dove 2

Great Spotted Woodpecker 4

Green Woodpecker 1

Stonechat 2 (seen with nesting material)

Magpie 4 (seen with nesting material)

Song Thrush 4

Blackbird 49

Dunnock 30

Wren 56

Cetti’s Warbler 11

Chiffchaff 27

Goldcrest 3

Long-tailed Tit 23

Treecreeper 3

Chaffinch 7

Greenfinch 6

Goldfinch 22

Bullfinch 5

Reed Bunting 13

Great Tit 14

Blue Tit 29


Three Otters seen off fishing platforms on the 22nd

One Otter seen from Herons wing on the 23rd

Peacock Butterfly

Brimstone Butterfly



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