Recent sightings 17th - 19th July

Highlights include, Water rail, Goldfinches and Common lizard

British Steel Hide

Essential routine maintenance has been carried out recently on the Dafen scrapes so unfortunately we have not seen our usual variety of waders and waterfowl from the steel hide. The work is due to complete on today (Friday) so hopefully our waders will return for the weekend.

Millennium Wetlands

Large groups of Gadwall and Mallard have been seen feeding in front of the Heron's wing hide. Juvenile Pochard and Tufted duck have been seen diving regularly from the Peter Scott hide. Lots of Goldfinch fledglings have been seen around the northern loop of the reserve. The Sparrowhawks are very active hunting across the reserve. Red kite have been seen over the canoe safari. Water rail families have been heard near Water vole city. Reed and Sedge warblers continue to be heard singing around the reedbed areas.

Otter have been active around the reserve, with lots of spraint being seen around the Lilly pond. Gatekeeper, Painted lady and Peacock butterfly have been seen regularly by Hopkins folly. Common lizards and Slow worms have been seen basking on log piles around the reserve.

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