Recent sightings 17th - 20th August

Highlights include Spotted Redshank, Cattle Egret, and Grey Plover

British Steel Hide

Good numbers of waders over the saline lagoons and the Dafen scrapes recently, including over 850 Black-tailed Godwit, Redshank, Greenshank, Dunlin, Common Sandpiper, Spotted Redshank, Grey Plover and Lapwing. Other birds seen include Spoonbill, Cattle Egret, Little Egret and Pochard.

We are currently working out on the Dafen Scrapes, maintaining and restoring the cockleshell islands.

Millennium Wetlands

Recently spotted from the Peter Scott hide has been Spotted Redshank, Cattle Egret, Kingfisher, Grey Wagtail and a young Little Grebe brood. Also seen around the reserve includes Pochard, Teal, Tufted Duck, Gadwall, Chiff Chaff have been clearly visible in the trees around the Heron's Wing hide, and a Sparrowhawk has been seen hunting over deep water lake.

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