Recent sightings

Male sedge warbler singing from the hawthorn scrub on the long path between Scrape and Reedbed hides.

Sedge warbler singing.

Millennium Wetlands

Little Grebe 2

Mute Swan 2

Greylag 9

Shelduck 5

Gadwall 7

Pintail 2

Teal 3

Pochard 5

Tufted Duck 18

Buzzard 1

Sparrowhawk 1

Water Rail 1

Lapwing 7

Black-tailed Godwit c540

Knot 1

Snipe 2

Black headed gull 46

Mediterranean Gull 1

Sedge warbler 1


British Steel Hide

Cormorant 9

Little Egret 2

Spoonbill 1

Mute Swan 7

Greylag 19

Canada Goose 6

Shelduck 70

Gadwall 12

Teal 4

Shoveler 8

Tufted Duck 7

Buzzard 1

Peregrine 1

Redshank 14

Dunlin 3

Ringed Plover 6

Black headed gull 114

Herring gull 15

Lesser black-backed gull 66


Observatory hide

Black headed gull 444

Mediterranean gull 1

Greylag 14

Shoveler 9

Black-tailed godwit 6

Tufted duck 12

Grey Heron 1


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