Recent sightings

A round up of the best recent sightings since the last update, a Little Stint on Woodend Marsh on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday was the first record of the year, a Spotted Flycatcher was present on Thursday from Janet Kear Hide. Plenty of Whimbrel passing through in the last week with regular small groups most days recently. While last Friday 5 May, just off site a Dotterel was present in fields behind Brandreth Barn.

Todays sightings, highlight being a Short-eared Owl which was seen from Ron Barker Hide, an unseasonal record but presumably a northward bound migrant, interestingly one also seen at Marshside today. A party of 3 Barnacle Geese were present all morning on the Mere before flying off northeast early afternoon, almost certainly of feral origin although one of the birds appeared to have a metal ring on one leg.

Two of the three Barnacle Geese with 'metal' ring just visible on left bird (T. Disley)

Plenty of Avocet chicks hatching around the reserve especially Woodend Marsh. Pair of Common Tern still on Woodend Marsh.

Just offsite Yellow Wagtail along Curlew Lane

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