Recent Sightings 18th - 23rd October

Highlights - Cattle Egret, Short Eared Owl, Merlin, Green Sandpiper and Water Pipit.

British Steel Hide

Up to three Cattle Egrets have been on the saline lagoons this week along with six Spoonbill. The large tides this week bought in over 300 Curlew which is always great to see. Two Green Sandpipers have been dotted around the reserve throughout the week making it fun to try and locate them!

On the Dafen Scrapes there have been Pied/White Wagtails, Stonechat and Water and Meadow pipits along with the regular Gadwall, Mallard, Shoveler, Teal and Tufted Ducks in their beautiful winter plumage. Lots of Nuthatches have been seen in the grounds this week too.

Millennium Wetlands

Birds of Prey have been the highlight this week with both a Marsh Harrier and a Merlin being spotted. As visitors may notice, the reserve has under gone somewhat of a transformation with the ditches and ponds being cleared out to maintain them as perfect Water Vole habitats. Curiously, a common Eel was spotted on the reserve paths, we assume it was dropped by a Grey Heron that predated it. Overall, the species on the reserve this week have started to signify the beginning of winter with Redwing, Fieldfare and Short Eared Owls among them.

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