Recent Sightings 19th-22nd October

Highlights include: Whooper Swan, Garganey, Peregrine Falcon, Sparrow Hawk and Little Egret.

British Steel Hide

Up to 6 Whooper Swan have been sighted over the Estuary this week as well as a Peregrine Falcon and a Sparrow Hawk. The Salt Marsh is still full of life with high numbers of waders including: Dunlin, Knot, Black-tailed Godwit, Greenshank, Redshank. Little Egrets, Shelduck and Greylag Goose are still around and Pochard can now been seen on the Dafern Scrapes as well as plenty of Wildfowl.

Millennium Wetlands

Over on the Deep Water lake 2 female Garganey have been sighted, the Lapwing and cormorants are still around on the stone Islands as well as the Little Grebe, Kingfisher and Tufted Duck.

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