Recent Sightings (1st - 3rd November)

Great White Egret. Russ Myners

British Steel Hide

A Great White Egret was spotted on Wednesday, along with c.300 Black-tailed Godwit, c.70 Knot, 6 Dunlin and 41 Cormorants. Also counted were ducks including 20 Wigeon, 18 Tufted Duck, 6 Gadwall and 2 Shoveler. Other birds include 3 Snipe, 305 Black-headed Gull, 1 Kingfisher and a Sparrowhawk. More waders include 42 Redshank and 11 Greenshank. Song birds that can be seen around the hide include Song thrush (4) and Mistle Thrush (6), Stonechat (2) and a Reed Bunting, as well as 2 Goldcrest and a Raven.

Visitor Grounds and Lagoon

Many birds are making the most of the ponds around the centre, with a count of 50 Shelduck, 3 Pochard, 13 Teal and many Mallards, Coots and Moorhens to be seen. There have also been sightings of 3 Bullfinch and 2 Redpoll.

Deep Water Lake

2 female Pintail and 3 Meadow Pipit were spotted on Deep Water Lake, also seen included 21 Tufted Duck, a Comorant and 9 Mute Swans. Furthermore, Snipe and Grey Wagtails regularly use the the scrapes and stones in front of the Peter Scott Hide. As the leaves are falling off the trees it is a great time to see the groups of Long-tailed tits, Chaffinches and Thrushes that use the Wetland's great habitat for foraging.


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