Recent sightings 1st - 4th January

The wetlands have been rather busy

British Steel Hide

After a successful Tick and Twitch in Tuesday, it has been a bit quiet from the Steel Hide later in the week. Small numbers of Lapwing, Greenshank and Redshank have been seen, as well as Snipe hidden in the rushes. Large groups of Wigeon and Shelduck frequent the Saline Lagoons. Water Pipit, Great White Egret and Spoonbill were seen on Tuesday, as well as Red-breasted Mergansers out on the estuary

Millennium Wetlands

The Wetlands have been rather busy with large numbers of Gadwall, Teal, Tufted Duck and Shoveler. A pair of Shelduck and a Male Pintail has been seen from the Herons Wing hide regularly this week. Our resident Barn Owl was seen hunting late Thursday afternoon. Treecreeper and Goldcrest have been seen in and around Black Poplar Wood. Over the course of this week we have had several good sightings of the Otter, the latest of which was Friday morning. The best places to see them are from the Herons Wing Hide and the Screens around Deep Water Lake.

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