Recent Sightings 1st-7th August

Highlights - Spotted Redshank, Great White Egret, Grasshopper Warbler, Tree Pipit and Hornet

British Steel Hide

Big morning tides have brought in large numbers of waders which include: Curlew, Redshank, Whimbrel, Dunlin, Greenshank, Black-tailed Godwit, Lapwing and Spotted Redshank. The Kingfisher has been spending a lot of time on the Saline Lagoons. A few Great Crested Grebes were out on the estuary. On the Dafen Scrapes the Great White Egret has been spending most of its time and sometimes shows very well from the Goodalls Hide.

Millennium Wetlands

The East Scrapes has had quite a few nice birds recently with Garden Warbler, Grasshopper Warbler, Tree Pipit, Green Sandpiper, Nuthatch and Rook all seen. A Hornet was seen feeding on Honey Dew produced by Aphids. There has also been a good selection of Butterflies seen, with Brown Argus, Holly Blue and Small Heath being seen.

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