Recent sightings 22nd - 24th May

Highlights include, Little ringed plover, Cuckoo and Small copper butterfly

British steel hide

Whimbrel are often seen on the saline lagoons at high tide. Large groups of Shelduck are seen sheltering around the edge of the lagoons. 3 Spoonbill are often seen around the saltmarsh. On the Dafen scrapes large groups of Lesser black-backed and Herring gulls continue to gather. A pair of Lapwing have chosen to nest on the grass banking of the Dafen scrapes. We also have a pair of Little ringed plover nesting on the scrapes which is the first record we have had in over 10 years. A male Garganey continues to make regular appearances feeding among the rushes.

Our Black-headed gull colony have started to hatch with over 500 nests on the freshwater lagoon. Groups of Black-tailed godwit have been seen feeding close to the hides around the freshwater lagoon.

Millennium Wetlands

Two male Garganey have been seen regularly from the Herons wing hide this week. Groups of 150+ Black-tailed godwit are often seen feeding from the Herons wing hide. Cuckoo have been heard calling from the trees by Hopkins folly. A Pochard family has made regular appearances from the Peter Scott hide. We have good numbers of Warblers around the reserve including 46 Reed Warbler, 35 Blackcap, 25 Chiffchaff, 17 Sedge Warbler, 10 Whitethroat and 2 Lesser Whitethroat. Familys of Long-tailed tits have been seen around the northern loop of the reserve as well as young Chiffchaff.

Lots of Damselflys and Dragonflys have been seen around the reserve including Azure, Blue-tailed and Emerald Damselfly and Hairy dragonfly. Small copper butterfly and Peacock butterflys make regular appearances around Hopkins folly.

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