Recent Sightings (22nd-24th Nov)

British Steel Hide

A 1st winter Spoonbill was seen on the saline lagoons on the 24th as well as a Water Pipit. Waders have included 107 Lapwing, 24 Redshank, 6 Greenshank, 1 Spotted Redshank, 1 Snipe and 1 Dunlin. Wildfowl have included 2 Shelduck, 26 Wigeon, 5 Gadwall, 7 Tufted Ducks, 2 Shoveler and 4 Teal. Other birds have included 6 Song Thrushes, 2 Redwings, a Skylark, a Kingfisher, 5 Little Egrets, 2 Stonechats, 182 Black-headed Gulls and a Grey Heron.

A fuzzy record shot of a Water Pipit. Edward O'Connor


Millennium Wetlands

A Hawfinch was seen near the site entrance on the 24th feeding on Field Maple seeds, another, or possibly the same bird was heard calling from the trees surrounding the bird feeders near the visitor centre. A Great White Egret was seen flying over the visitor centre on the 24th, the bird headed off in the direction of the Deep Water Lake. A fine male Brambling was seen near the feeders by the Peter Scott hide, probably brought in by the cold weather. Wildfowl on the Deep Water Lake have included 6 Pochard, 37 Tufted Ducks, 48 Teal, 45 Gadwall, 2 Little Grebes, 4 Shoveler, 9 Coot, a Shelduck and 9 Mute Swans. 10 Snipe, a Lapwing and a Black-tailed Godwit have been seen on the Deep Water Lake also. Other birds have included Siskins, Chaffinches, Bullfinches, Goldcrests, Treecreepers, Redwings, Song Thrushes, Mistle Thrushes, Kingfishers, Water Rails, Cetti's Warblers, a Blackcap and a Stonechat.


Little Grebe. Edward O'Connor


Birds to look out for

Be on the lookout for wintering ducks such as Wigeon and Pintail which are most likely to be found from the British Steel hide and the West Hide on the freshwater lagoon. Redwings are still plentiful around the reserve, and can be found anywhere where there are an abundance of berries. Colder weather is sure to make the feeding stations very busy with a mixture of Tits and Finches visiting. Be on the lookout for Bramblings, Bullfinches or possibly even a Willow Tit using the feeders on particularly chilly mornings. Hawfinches are still to be found around the site entrance, and they may stick around a while longer if there is enough food.

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