Recent Sightings 22nd-28th November

Highlights - Knot, Jack Snipe, Kestrel, Tufted Ducks, Pochard.

British Steel Hide

A large roost of over 700 knot have been on the saline lagoon this week. Other waders that can be seen from the British Steel Hide include black tailed godwit, curlew, redshank, greenshank and green sandpiper. Three jack snipe and a kestrel have also been spotted on the salt marsh. Other highlights include large numbers of lapwing, shelduck, wigeon and of course, our six spoonbills! A beautiful little goldcrest has be seen a lot in the collection birds area.

Millennium Wetlands

Tufted duck and teal numbers have been great on Deep Water lake this week, and a stonechat has been seen regularly on the island behind. You may notice we have cut the vegetation on this island, this is in readiness for the lapwings that breed there in the spring! It's nice to watch the robins feed where we have cut the reed bed too.

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