Recent Sightings 23rd-25th October

Highlights - Green Sandpiper, Spoonbills

British Steel Hide

There hasn't been as many waders seen recently From the British Steel Hide but there is still a good variety including: Green Sandpiper, Grey Plover, Redshank, Greenshank, Black-tailed Godwit, Knot and Dunlin. Spoonbill, Kingfisher and Little Egrets are also being seen regularly on the Saline Lagoons.

Millennium Wetlands

The Barn Owl has reappear after not being seen for a few days. There is a scattering of Cetti's Warblers seen all around the Millennium Wetlands but the best place to see or hear them is from the Peter Scott Hide where Kingfishers, Pochards, Water Rails and Little Grebes can all be seen.

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