Recent sightings 23rd - 26th February

Highlights include, Chiffchaff, Smew and Red Admiral butterfly.

British Steel Hide

Over the weekend large numbers of waders where seen from the Steel Hide including over 700 Black-Tailed Godwits, good numbers of Lapwing and Greenshank and Redshank. 68 Wigeon and 30 Shelduck have been seen on the Saline lagoons with hundreds of Shelduck out on the estuary. A Water rail spotted darting among the rushes in front of the hide and a female Smew with a group of Teal was seen on Sunday.

Millennium Wetlands

Groups of Teal, Gadwal, Shelduck, Wigeon and Tufted duck have been seen from the Herons Wing hide recently, some have begun courtship displays. Chiffchaff have started to sing around the reserve again, as well as Bullfinch, Long-tailed Tits and Cetti's warbler.

The Otter was seen from the Herons Wing hide throughout Sunday. Butterflys have been seen around the northern loop including, Brimstone, Coma and Red Admiral.

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