Recent sightings 23rd - 26th March

Highlights include, Blackcap, Goshawk and Grass Snake

British Steel Hide

From the Steel hide we have recently had sightings of 5 spoonbill feeding together. Large numbers of water birds with, 146 wigeon, 64 greylag geese, 450 black-tailed godwit, 398 redshank and 676 black-headed gulls. Groups of curlew have been seen feeding out on the estuary with oystercatchers. A mediterranean gull was seen in among the black-headed gulls. The female smew was also seen from the michael powel hide.

Millennium Wetlands

On Deep Water Lake recently has been groups of 49 gadwall, 40 tufted duck, 14 pochard, 21 teal and 15 Shelduck. 300 black-tailed godwit and 30 knot have been spending the high tide on Deep Water Lake recently. Lapwing continue to display around the reserve with some beginning to sit on nests. Sparrowhawks, Buzzards and Goshawk have been seen hunting around the northern loop and by the lilly pond.

Chiffchaff have become a regular woodland sound for us, now joined by the blackcap. Bullfinch, Goldfinch and Chaffinch have begun pairing up. Reed bunting can be heard calling around the reedbeds towards the welsh water hide.

Peacock butterflys have been seen around the northern loop. We continue to get sightings of slow worms and yesterday we had our first grass snake of the year.

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