Recent Sightings 24-30th October

Highlights - Bar-tailed Godwit, Little Stint, Fieldfare and Spoonbills.

British Steel Hide

The number of knot on the saline lagoons has been increasing this week ready for winter and amongst them there has been a bar-tailed godwit. Its lovely to still be able to see six spoonbills from the hide everyday and at one point there was a whopping 63 cormorants out there too. A little stint was spotted on the Dafen scrapes and there have been pintails on the freshwater lagoon.

Millennium Wetlands

A beautiful stonechat was seen on the western scrapes this week. Other species, more regularly associated with winter, on the reserve have included fieldfare and redwing. While the visitors are away lots of work has been done to create some more ponds and kingfisher banks to maintain this beautiful habitat for a diverse range of species.

The bird feeders outside the visitors centre are always a flurry of activity, the charming species using them include bullfinch, chaffinch, greenfinch, great tit, house sparrow, great spotted woodpecker and nuthatch.

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