Recent sightings 24th - 30th April

Highlights include, Common Blue, Garganey, Common Sandpiper

British Steel Hide

A single juvenile Spoonbill was seen feeding in front of the Michael Powell hide on Tuesday as well as a pair of Pintail and a Brent goose. Large numbers of Shelduck can be seen across the salt marsh and the Dafen scrapes. Wigeon, Gadwall, Shoveler and Tufted duck have also been seen. A pair of Garganey continue to make regular appearances on the Dafen scrapes and a Little ringed plover was seen feeding on the far side of the Scrapes. Two Common Sandpiper where seen feeding just infront of the Boardwalk hide.

Millennium Wetlands

Pairs of Gadwall, Pochard, Tufted duck, Mallard and Teal have been seen around the reserve, with some Mallard ducklings already hatching. Little greebe have been seen near the fishing platforms and Coot chicks are beginning to show themselves. All 16 Lapwing nests have hatched successfully now. Hopefully it will be a successful year for them. Most of the Black-headed gulls on site have now built nests and will hopefully be sitting on eggs. Two Dunlin have been seen flying over deep water lake.Over 500 Black-tailed godwit continue to shelter on Deep water lake with the occasional Knot and Redshank hidden among them.

A large variety of Butterflies have been seen around the reserve including, Brimstone, Peacock, Orange-tip, Common blue, Holly blue and Speckled wood.

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