Recent sightings 26th - 28th June

Highlights include - Wood sandpiper, Lapwing and Black-tailed skimmer

British Steel Hide

It has been a good year for lapwing with 26 Lapwing fledglings being seen from the Steel hide this week, which we believe to be from the 18 nests we found in the Millennium wetlands. Wood sandpiper has also been seen feeding around the dafen scrapes as well as greenshank. Our spoonbill continue to be seen close to show well infront of the hides. Linnet are often seen feeding along the brambles around the salt marshes .

Millennium wetlands

Gadwall and Mallard have begun returning to the Millennium wetlands in larger numbers. Little grebe are often seen fishing around the northern loop. Sparrowhawks have been seen carrying food and hunting regularly near hopkins folly. Two familys of Tufted duck have been seen from the Peter Scott hide, as well as a juvenile Pochard. Familys of Chiffchaff and Whitethroat have been seen around the reserve, with parents tirelessly feeding their chicks. It's proving to be a good year for Reed warbler with 40 territories recorded.

Lots of invertibrates around with, Red admirals, Peacock, Ringlet, Painted lady, Small copper butterflys and Scarlet tiger moths. Black tailed skimmers have been seen regularly around the reserve.

Large grass snakes have been seen basking on the paths around the reserve.

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