Recent Sightings 26th September - 1st October

Highlights - Curlew Sandpiper, Red Kite, Knot and Bar-Tailed Godwit.

British Steel Hide

There have been many species of wader spotted on the saline lagoons including Curlew Sandpiper, Knot, Bar-Tailed Godwit and Spotted Redshank. Redshank and Greenshank numbers are increasing ready for winter. Shelducks can be spotted amongst the masses of geese arriving too. Through the week the number of Spoonbill has increased from 3 to 5!

Lapwing numbers have been increasing all over the site, including on the Dafen Scrapes. Its nice to be able to see Long Tailed Tits close up from the British Steel Hide and there have been Bullfinches seen in the grounds too.

Millennium Wetlands

As we enter October the trees are turning orange and red making the reserve look stunningly colourful. A beautiful Red Kite was seen flying overhead this week. The Cetti's Warblers distinctive call can often be heard when walking around the reserve. A Grey Heron has made a habit of fishing on the island closest to the Peter Scott Hide which provides some wonderful photo opportunities.

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