Recent sightings 27th - 29th March

Highlights include, Cetti's Warbler, Reed Warbler, Cattle Egret and Orange Tip butterfly

British Steel Hide

A group of 104 Redshank have been seen roosting and feeding from the steel hide, as well as small groups of Dunlin and Greenshank. 47 Shelduck have been seen across both the salt marsh and Dafen scrapes, hopefully looking for nesting opportunities. Large numbers of Black-headed gulls and Lesser-black backed gulls have been seen displaying on the Dafen scrapes. We have had 6 Spoonbill feeding in front of the steel hide, which is a center record for us. On Wednesday we had brief sightings of a Cattle egret and the Smew on the saline lagoons.

Millennium Wetlands

A large group of Black-tailed Godwits continue to roost on Deep water lake with some of the males showing breeding plumage. Groups of Knot and Redshank have also been seen hiding among them. 31 Gadwall and 33 Tufted ducks have been seen around the reserve with the Teal and Shoveler proving more elusive. We have 17 currently active Lapwing nest which is an improvement on previous years. The Black-headed Gulls have also begun to pair off on the Stone islands establishing their nesting territories. The Warblers have made a return this week with 19 Chiffchapp, 9 Cetti's Blackcap and now Reed Warbler all heard singing around the reserve.

The warm weather has brought out an array of butterflys including, Brimstone, Peacock, Comma and Orange tip. We continue to get sightings of Slow worm and Grass snake. We have also found Black Morel mushroom in the grounds.

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