Recent Sightings (27th-31st Oct)


Long-tailed Tit. Russ Myners.


British Steel Hide


A recent count from the British Steel Hide has shown 350 Black-tailed Godwit, a wading species that has also been seen from the Observatory hide on the wetland lagoons. Also seen from the British Steel Hide includes 182 Curlew , 19 Greenshank, 9 Knot and 26 lapwing, all who have been trying to avoid a frequently visiting Sparrowhawk on the saltmarsh. There are also several duck species including 21 Wigeon, 5 Shelduck, 4 Gadwall, 2 Teal and 2 Shoveler that have been recently counted.

Millenium Wetlands

60 Gadwall have been counted around the reserve, as well as 43 Redwing and 64 Long-tailed tits. The swans born this summer are still around on the Deep Water Lake, where 17 tufted duck have also been counted, 4 Cormorants have been seen drying off in this weekends sunshine and 17 Lapwing, 2 Snipe and 4 Pochard have also been noted. Jays (5), Thrushes and Goldfinches (56 counted) are a regular sighting around the reserve, a Green Woodpecker has also been seen. 4 Cetti's Warbler and 5 Water Rails were heard around the reserve. More birds on the water include 6 Little Grebes, 5 Teal and a female Kingfisher.

A recent reptile survey in the fine recent weather failed to produce any sightings as the hibernation period is imminent for reptiles, with only a juvenile toad found sheltering in the refugia.

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