Recent Sightings (28th Feb-2nd March)

Male Pintail. Russ Myners


British Steel Hide

As we saw the first day of the meteorological spring drift by with a snow flurry, we have also seen the freezing of the saline lagoons! However, much bird activity was seen out on the estuary including c. 560 Oystercatcher, 19 Curlew, 12 Dunlin and 5 Grey Plover. Across the Loughor also rested c.250 Brent Geese. On site, 10 Lapwing flew passed, c.30 Starlings, 1 Fieldfare, 1 Song Thrush, 1 Snipe and 2 Redshank could be seen amongst the marsh. On the icy lagoons 11 Herring Gull and 4 Lesser Black Backed Gull and 3 Mallard were counted.


Millennium Wetlands

A darting kingfisher brightened up the end of the week on Deep Water Lake, as well as 17 Shoveler, 52 Gadwall, 59 Tufted Duck and 24 Coot. A brilliant increase of Pintail numbers over the week saw 12 taking refuge on Deep Water Lake, accompanied by 2 Lapwing, 9 Cormorant, 8 Teal, 2 Little Grebe and 2 Shelduck. 3 Moorhen and 13 Mallard were also counted. Out on the islands a pair of Stonechats were seen.

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