Recent sightings 29th - 31st May

Highlights include Whitethroat, Shoveler and Marsh Harrier

British Steel Hide

Visible over the saline lagoons and dafen scrapes have been Cormorant, Spoonbill, Greylag Geese and goslings, Shelduck,Tufted Duck, and recently fledged Lapwing from deep water lake. Out on the Dafen scrapes the nesting Little Ringed Plover are still around, and there is also a Lapwing nesting by the scrapes.

On the freshwater lagoon has been Teal, Shelduck and up to 19 ducklings, Pochard, Tufted Duck and small numbers of Black-tailed Godwit.

Millennium Wetlands

Seen around deep water lake has been Pochard and ducklings practising their diving in front of the Peter Scott hide, and also Tufted Duck with ducklings visible from the fishing platforms. Good numbers of House martins and Swallows seen across the reserve, as well as numerous Swifts. Whitethroats have been very visible and audible over recent days, there have been a good number along centre path. There are lots of newly fledged birds visible around the reserve including Long-tailed Tit, Great Tit and Blue Tit. The Lapwing chicks from deep water lake and the western scrapes are now beginning to fledge, some can be seen practising their flying on the main island. A pair of Buzzards have been seen soaring above deep water lake, and the Marsh Harrier has been seen again regularly over the eastern scrapes and canoe safari.

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