Recent Sightings 2nd - 10th October

Highlights - Great White Egret, Garganey, Ruff, Grey Plover and Spoonbills.

British Steel Hide

There has been a Great White Egret seen towering above the Little Egrets on the saline lagoon and another out on the estuary. While scanning the estuary you are also likely to see large numbers of Curlew and Oystercatcher. A good variety of waders has been maintained this week with Curlew Sandpiper, Ruff, Spotted Redshank, Grey Plover and Bar Tailed Godwit amongst them. There has also been over 100 Knot and this will only increase as we head into winter. Five Spoonbill are seen everyday too.

Its nice to see the Shoveler and Teal in their distinctive winter plumage out on the Dafen Scrapes. A few different species of caterpillar have been on the paths in the grounds this week - including a very furry Fox Moth Larvae.

Millennium Wetlands

A Garganey was spotted on Deep Water Lake along with a Madagascan Teal but unfortunately the latter has been confirmed as an escapee! Although a common species, its entertaining to watch the Coots gather in large numbers as the nights draw in. Two families of Mute Swans with a total of 12 cygnets can be seen on the lake too. Nuthatch and Blackcap have been spotted on the reserve this week as well.

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