Recent sightings 3rd - 6th August

Highlights include Garganey, Cattle Egret, and Kingfisher

British Steel Hide

The recent high tides have brought in great bird numbers on the saline lagoon over the last few days, with 535 Curlew, 10 Whimbrel, 605 Black-tailed Godwit, 127 Redshank, 87 Greenshank, Grey Plover and Knot. Also visible were 2 Pintail, 15 Shoveler, 3 Spoonbill, Common Sandpiper, and the aptly named Cattle Egret was spotted feeding between the cattle on Monday. On the Dafen scrapes 2 female Garganey were showing very clearly in the water near to the hide, and a flock of Lapwing also visible with 62 juveniles.

Millennium Wetlands

Visible on deep water lake recently have been good numbers of little Egret, Little Grebe, Pochard, Shoveler and Teal. The Kingfisher has been seen again over the weekend fishing in front of the Peter Scott Hide and from perches around the lake, and young Sparrowhawks have been heard and seen near to the Bittern Reedbed.

Other wildlife seen around the reserve include Grass Snake by the Welsh Water hide, Slow Worm, and numerous Common Lizard dotted around the reserve sunning themselves on exposed rocks and log piles.

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