Recent Sightings 5th-11th September

Highlights - Marsh Harrier, Spoonbills, Common Sandpiper, Ruff and Common Darter Dragonflies.

British Steel Hide

A Marsh Harrier and Peregrine Falcon have been seen over the salt marsh this week. Over 40 Greenshank and Redshank have been counted, this will increase even more over the next month and its nice to spot the Dunlin dotted within them. The 2 Spoonbills are still here and can be viewed from the British Steel Hide.

There have been large numbers of Shoveler on the Dafen Scrapes. The Garganey is harder to spot but lovely when you do. A common Sandpiper and Ruff have been spotted on the Dafen scrapes. Wigeon numbers are slowly increasing and can be seen on the banks of the scrapes along with a family of Pied Wagtails.

Millennium Wetlands

A kingfisher has been flying from post to post on Deep water Lake a lot this week and a Great White Egret has been seen flying overhead. Gadwall have increasingly started to show their beautiful winter plumage. There are very high numbers of Common Darter dragonflies, by the Herons Wing Hide they can be looked at up close, there are also Migrant and Southern Hawker dragonflies and Small Red-eyed damselflies. A variety of lichen species have been recorded on site, which can be spotted easily where the leaves have started to fall from the trees.

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