Recent sightings 5th - 8th January

Out on the estuary, pintail number in the hundreds.

British Steel Hide

Recent sightings from the steel hide have included 138 Black-tailed Godwit, 69 Lapwing, 107 Wigeon as well as groups of Redshank, Shelduck and a Buzzard. Out on the estuary, 430 Shelduck, Pintail number in the hundreds as well as Great Crested Grebe. Curlew can be seen making use of the ditches out on the saltmarsh for feeding. Our resident Spoonbill continues to make regular appearances. A Green Sandpiper has been spotted on the Dafen Scrapes.

Millennium Wetlands

58 Gadwall, 50 Tufted Duck and 20 Teal have been seen over the wetlands recently. Small groups of Pochard and Shoveler as well as a single male Pintail can be seen from the Herons Wing Hide. Groups of Black-tailed Godwit and Lapwing continue to use the western scrapes for feeding. Great Spotted Woodpeckers and Jays make good use of the feeders by the hides. Long-tailed Tits have been seen around Black poplar wood. Regular sightings of the Otter from the Hides around Deep Water Lake, with almost daily occurances.

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