Recent Sightings

Reserve On the 15th July sightings on the main lake included 2 shelducks, 17 tufted ducks, 1 little grebe,  3 coots, 98 mallards. On the Limestone lake sightings included 1 little g [...]


On the 15th July sightings on the main lake included 2 shelducks, 17 tufted ducks, 1 little grebe,  3 coots, 98 mallards. On the Limestone lake sightings included 1 little grebe with 4 young, 4 herons, 4 little Egrets and 1 kingfisher. Swallows can also be seen darting about.

Sightings on the Pier included 4 elders, 1 heron, 1 lesser black backed gull and 50 oystercatchers. The Freshwater lagoon had a families of tufted ducks amongst black-backed gull colony.

Wildlife Sightings

  • Mammal sightings included rabbits
  • Insects included  2 painted ladies in buddles at Plumbs
  • Wetland plants - yellow flag iris, millford, bogbean, water forgetmenots, ragged robins bog asphodel
  • Grassland plants - oxeye daisy, red carpion, speedwells scarlet pimpernel, birds foot trefoil, yellow rattle, lesser trefoil, camomile, tutson herb robert
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