Recent sightings 6th - 9th March

Highlights include, Sand Martins, Smew and Goldeneye.

British Steel Hide

59 Curlew and 110 Wigeon where spotted on Saturday from the Steel hide. The female Smew was on the saline lagoons on Thursday. On the Dafen scrapes 193 Black-tailed Godwit, as well as groups of Shelduck and Black-headed Gulls have been making use of the additional cockleshell islands constructed.

Millennium Wetlands

The waterfowl on Deep Water lake have begun courtship displays, with smaller numbers of Tufted duck, Pochard and Teal seen from the hides. 33 Lapwing have been seen displaying on the stone islands around Deep Water lake. A large group of 279 Black-tailed Godwit took shelter in the Millennium Wetlands from the stormy weather. Sparrowhawks have been seen hunting around the Northern loop of the reserve. Our woodland birds begin to inspect the nest boxes around the site ready for the spring. A female Goldeneye is regularly seen from the Lilly pond. Chiffchaff and Cetti's Warbler are frequently heard singing across the reserve. On Thursday we had a group of Sand Martins returning for the Spring.

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