Recent Sightings 7th-11th March

Highlights - Jack Snipe, Peacock Butterfly, Red Kite, Peregrine and Mediterranean Gull

British Steel Hide

There was a Red Kite and a Peregrine on the Salt Marsh along with a few Little Egrets. There was also a good variety of waders on the Lagoons and estuary including: Grey Plover, Knot, Black-tailed Godwit, Dunlin, Lapwing, Redshank, Greenshank and Snipe. On the Dafen Scrapes there is a noticeable decrease in numbers of Wigeon. Lots of Black-headed Gulls with numbers in the mid hundreds.

Millennium Wetlands

The first Butterfly of the year, a Peacock, was seen on the way down to the Herons Wing Hide. A couple of Mediterranean Gulls were seen in among the Black-headed Gulls on the Deep Water Lake. On the Eastern Scrapes there were good numbers of Snipe and there was a Sparrowhawk circling overhead. A Common Frog was heard croaking in a ditch near the canoe safari. On the Deep Water Lake islands there was a Jack Snipe. There are still quite a few Pochard on the Deep Water Lake in the numbers in the high teens, which is hopefully a sign of a good breeding year.

Fresh Water Lagoon

8 Spoonbills were seen roosting on the Fresh Water Lagoon right in front of the Observatory Hide. The Black-headed Gulls are starting to congregate on the Fresh Water Lagoon islands in readiness for the breeding season.

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