Recent sightings 7th - 9th August

Highlights include, Ruff, Wood sandpiper and Spotted redshank

British Steel Hide

With the recent high tides and stormy weather there has been a good variety of bird activity from the steel hide. Large groups of 568 black-tailed godwit as well as groups of redshank, greenshank, knot, dunlin and spotted redshank. Groups of common sandpiper, a wood sandpiper and ruff have been seen feeding on the Dafen scrapes. Two garganey and two pintail have been seen regularly from the Goodalls hide. Out on the salt marsh, 4 spoonbill and a cattle egret has been seen feeding.

Millennium Wetlands

The kingfisher continues to frequent the various perches out on Deep water lake. Large groups of up to 20 little egret have been seen taking shelter on the stone islands in front of the Peter Scott hide. Groups of gadwall are often seen feeding from the screens on the northern loop, as well as little grebe, mallard and tufted duck. Teal and shoveler numbers have started to build up across the reserve. Our resident swan families are all doing well with 23 cygnets between three families.

The songbirds are somewhat quieter at the moment but sedge warblers and chiffchaff are still heard regularly. A grasshopper warbler was heard by Vole City on Thursday.

Grass snakes have been seen regularly basking in the mornings as well as common lizards. Painted lady butterflies are seen regularly across the reserve, as well as red admiral and speckled wood.

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