Recent Sightings 8th-10th January

Highlights - Short-eared Owl, Water Pipit, Otter, Spoonbill

British Steel Hide

A Short-eared Owl was seen flying high heading up estuary briefly and hasn't been seen since. The Spoonbills are still visiting the Saline Lagoons most days. There has been at least three Water Pipits visiting both the Dafen Scrape and Saline Lagoon. With no ideal high tides during the day the wader numbers aren't as high as normal, but you can still see: Greenshank, Redshank, Black-tailed Godwits, Lapwing, Dunlin and Curlew.

Millennium Wetlands

The Otter is being sighted on the Deep Water Lake, but mainly in the morning. There is a good variety of Wildfowl on the Deep Water Lake with Pochard, Shoveler, Wigeon, Gadwall, Mallard, Shelduck, Wigeon. There have been Water Rails calling from various locations including the Bittern Reed bed and Deep Water Lake.

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